“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Guardian (The Guardian Trilogy #1) - Sara Mack

True love never dies.
Emma Donohue begs to differ.

When a late night accident claims the love of her life, Emma secludes herself in memories of James. In his sandy brown hair and clear blue eyes. In their innocent first kiss and declarations of love. In their plans for a life together after college. But happy dreams can’t rid her of the guilt she carries. She can’t erase her actions the night he died. She can’t erase her reaction at his funeral. And she can’t erase the hollow void that fills her chest and consumes her heart.

The first time Emma hears James’ voice, she’s astounded. It sounds as if he’s standing right beside her, and she fears her shattered heart is trying to drive her mad. But, as she continues to hear the voice, she finds comfort in it. With the help of her best friend Shel and handsome newcomer Dane, she tries to move forward and start living again.

Until the voice in her head turns out to be more. So much more.

You know what they say.
True love never dies.

There is a lot about this story I can't tell you...it would ruin it. It's not that I don't want to tell you...I do! Trust me...I do! That is one of the hardest parts of reviewing good stories, making sure you don't give away any of the good parts. I think that's an even harder part of reviewing paranormal stories. But I wouldn't want to take away the ability to have the emotional ride that I've been on tonight away from anyone else. And yes, I said tonight. I read this book in one straight sitting because I could not put it down!

I guess based on the description, I should have known it would be emotional. But I figured with the accident happening so early on in the book, there was not time to form a connection - oh how I was wrong... here are my status updates while reading this book:

"and I'm crying"
"bigger tears...."
"This book is starting to make me feel like a crazy person! I hate to say it but I hope other people cried as much as I have been"
"uh oh"
"The ugly crying had commenced"

Seriously, I started tearing up 16% into this book...SARA MACK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!?!

Looking back, it's hard to believe this is a debut novel...yup that's right - debut novel. Paranormal stories are hard to write, they have to be believable to get buy-in from the readers, but then there has to be that element of something that also makes it different. It can't be all about vampires anymore. Sara Mack has done that. I don't know if Sara has lost someone, but what I can tell you is that she captured the emotion so hauntingly well, "I don't think that's what is happening. I don't think I'm depressed. I'm just...really sad." I can tell you for me, she had total buy-in...and pretty quickly. I don't give it easily, but I couldn't help but fall in love with the characters in this book.

She gave us a sole mate love, a traumatic event, love, loss, friendship, endurance...and a whole lot to think about. Can you EVER get over a love like that? Can you ever move on? Especially...if you can hear him every day. I can't tell you how many people in this world would love to hear the voice of a loved one they had lost...but what happens then?

And just when you think your heart can't be torn any more than it is (oh yeah, because not only does she still love James, but then there is Dane, who you don't want to love but you can't help but crush on), at 88% into the book - my heart was just completely broken and big, fat, ugly crying started happening. Like front of my t-shirt wet because the tears were dripping kind of crying. I couldn't imagine what was left for Sara to put Emma through, and then I reminded myself this is only the first book.

Then the ending...because yes this is the first of 3 books...OMG! I have my theories, and we will have to wait and see, but let's just say I'm not happy about having to wait until fall until I can get my hands on book 2 (ummm, Sara Mack...if you are reading this...and you need beta readers *raises hands, shaking them aggressively over my head* I might be able to help you out). HAHA!

Basically, if you love a good paranormal romance...I would highly recommend. Oh, but make sure you have the puffs handy!

"Em - Things have been crazy busy lately so I wanted to go old school and put it on paper (this way you can keep it forever) and tell you I love you more than you know.

More thank the sun

More than the stars

More than breathing

More than life itself

Until the end of forever



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