“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shattered Grace (Fallen from Grace #1) - K. Anne Raines

Seventeen-year-old Grace grows up knowing she’s different, but she always attributed it to a mother who didn’t want her, a father who abandoned her, and a curse that sets her apart. Despite those struggles, her grandfather remained her rock and confidant. Her life irrevocably shatters the day her grandfather dies.

The day of his funeral sets off a chain of events, making Grace question everything she’s ever known to be true, and as a result, who she can truly trust. She inherits his house, part of his money, his Guardian and something that ties them together.

Just before Grace’s 18th birthday, she is thrust into a world she couldn’t fathom existed and does everything she can to thwart the destiny suddenly forced upon her. She’s been chosen for greatness, but at what cost? With eyes now open, she must choose to either be Chosen, or watch those around her suffer the consequences.

Torn between the man who’s come to protect her and the one sent to destroy her, she teeters on the edge of decision, trying to come to grips with who she is, what she wants and what all of that means for her, those she loves and the rest of mankind.

I love to a throw a good paranormal book in the mix to shake things up a bit.    Here’s the problem with paranormal books though, there is so much story to tell to make it all make sense that for some of them, I have find it hard for the book to keep my attention.  That was the case with this book.  (I know, boo! Hiss! Throw things, I know! I know!) 

There are a few authors that seems to find the balance nicely, some examples; Nicole Williams (The Eden Trilogy), Shelly Crane (The Significance Series), Jennifer Armentrout (The Lux Series) – I would recommend any of those if you are looking for a good paranormal read.   

I so wanted to love this book, but I’d say I liked it enough that I will probably read the sequel and give K. Anne Raines another read.  The writing style itself wasn’t my problem, she was descriptive enough that I could picture everything happening.  For me it was the story.   

There were a couple times where I thought the story might pick up and then it would fall flat again.  My partial frustration was with the love square that Grace had going on.  Three potential love interests; Zeke, Quentin, and Darius.   Zeke was the normal guy she went to school with who was absolutely adorable and all about Grace (although somehow he wound up with a girlfriend we never meet – but he still is all about Grace?) – huh? Quentin, The Guardian (and my favorite) who is here to protect her but also has feelings for her.  Their push/pull relationship was frustrating at times but he was definitely my choice.  He’s always going to be there for her! They are connected.  Darius fills the bad boy role.  I never trusted him and then even in the end, I still wasn’t all about him.  I never really got why she was? And of course because I am Team Q – this whole Darius thing frustrated me to no end.  I would have been happier if she fell for Zeke.   

And that’s what I felt like this story was mostly about.  Here she is, an eighteen year old girl who finds out she’s Chosen and she’s mostly worried about her raging hormones.  My other frustration - I think I needed more action, more adventure… more ass kicking! Because even when the ass kicking came, it was other people who did it.  She’s a Chosen for goodness sake!  

I’m not really sure what the deal is with her and her cousin and where the second story is going to go…but I will probably give it a try and hope for the best.  There is definitely a lot of potential to build on. 

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