“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Secret of Ella and Micha - Jessica Sorensen

A rule-breaker with a fiery attitude, Ella always wore her heart on her sleeve. Then she left everything behind to go to college, where she transformed into someone who follows the rules, keeps everything together, and hides all her problems. Now it's summer break and she has nowhere else to go but home. But once there, Ella fears that everything she's worked so hard to bury might resurface-especially with Micha living right next door.

Smart, sexy, and confident, Micha can get under Ella's skin like no one else. He knows everything about her, including her darkest secrets. If he tries to tempt the old Ella to return, he will be impossible to resist. But what Ella doesn't realize is that when she left, she took a piece of Micha's heart with her. Now he's determined to win back the girl he lost, no matter what it takes.

In all my years in high school and college, I’ve never been attracted to a guy with a lip ring.  It’s just never done anything for me.  Even in other books, sometimes I just picture the character without one because I like to picture them that way better (just like I remove Brian’s goatee in my head when I read Rock Me).  But in this story, Jessica Sorensen makes me want to lick, bite and kiss Micha and his lip ring! In other words, I think I finally get it! 

"There's a darkness inside my chest, like the devil hidden inside me is about to make a grand appearance."  - Micha would bring that out in all of us I think!

What is to be said about this book that hasn't already been said? I'm late on the train... It  has over 1,00 reviews on Amazon,  it's been picked up and published since I bought it.  Even the cover has changed since I bought it (that's why I posted both).  I don't know what took me so long to read it, but I'm glad I finally did.  Definitely worth the read and I will absolutely be reading the sequel!

Micha.  He's her best friend.  And the boy that waits for the girl sings and plays guitar too- good Lord Jessica, you are killing me! "He is my best friend, my soul mate. In a perfect world, full of roses and sunshine we'd be together, but this world is full of broken homes, drunken fathers, and mothers who give up easily."

There are some very serious and very heavy topics in this story, but Jessica finds a way to tell the story without making you feel like you are drowning the whole time.  She is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine.  

There were times I wanted to kick a girl because Ella does frustrate me to a point, but I don't find that very different than a lot of female characters and I think to a point it's the age of the character.  
I was already looking forward to The Redemption of Callie & Kayden, now I have another Jessica Sorensen book to add to my TBR list.  


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