“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Reborn (The Guardian Trilogy #3) - Sara Mack

When Emma Donohue wakes to find her world turned upside down, she wants nothing more than to return to the life she knew. To a life filled with a loving family, close friends, and college classes. To a normal life that didn’t involve the supernatural, odd bracelets, or three strangers who refuse to leave her side.

Unsure of what truly happened during The Allegiant’s attack, Emma tries to reconcile her past with her growing feelings for James, Garrett, and Dane. They remain steadfast in her protection, awaiting the arrival of the only people who hold the answers.

The Larvatus.

When Madeline and Ash appear, the revelations they bring not only rock Emma’s world, but everyone she touches. Her mind is twisted, caught up in new abilities and new desires. Her old self forgotten, she has never been more scared. She has never been more confused.

She has never been more empowered. 

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.
But, sometimes, the absence leaves space for something better

This review is a little different, but go with me here for a second…

In June of 2013, I received an email, not unlike others I had received before it, saying I’ve read your reviews on Amazon and I think you might like my book, would you consider giving it a try? Now, let me tell you – I’m nowhere near the top when it comes to Amazon reviewers, but I have gotten this email on more than a handful of occasions. The first time, I got burned buying and trying to read a book that I could not get through…and was NOTHING like any of the books I’ve reviewed previously. So then I started to send questions back first; which reviews of mine led you to email me? When this email received no response, I went no further. 

I received almost an immediate response from this particular author and figured, okay we really do like some of the same books – I love a good paranormal story, what have I got to lose? 

Here’s the thing… I honestly fell in love. I was hooked by Sara and her story…and I fell in love with James. I wrote my review and thought, I am definitely going to read the remaining stories in this series whether this author liked my review or not. 

Best part, I really love this author too. She is interactive with her fans, she writes well, and honestly cares about her story. This isn’t a formula based. She’s not mass producing. She’s a normal, working mother, who also happens to write. She’s appreciative and humble and then because you love her, you love her stories that much more. 

Okay, on to this last story Reborn because that’s what this review is really about right? We all know I love James, and everyone else loves Dane – so I knew it would come down to this last book (if you haven’t read the first two, Guardian and Allegiant – stop reading this and do that first!). Everything was primed for this to really go either way James vs. Dane in the battle for Emma’s heart not to mention the other battles that were going on. 

So much happens in this story that I cannot tell you about because it would ruin this, and this story is too good to ruin for anyone. I can’t even give you a good quote because I voraciously read it and didn’t take the time to stop and highlight – I read it for pure pleasure and then wanted to beat myself for not saving anything to share with everyone. 

Here’s what I can tell you without giving anything away…just like the first and second book, this book brought me to tears. Yes, it was in a different way than let’s say Allegiant where I cried when James was hanging out with Emma and LB. This time it was sobbing, need to walk away from the book for a little while tears! It was oh my God my heart is a mess tears – I was a complete mess. And that wasn’t the ending, that was just a moment in the book. 

There was so much emotion for me in this book, the waiting, the investment I had in these characters all coming together in this last installment ready to make or break my heart. I won’t tell you how it ends, which team gets their happily ever after but I will tell you I loved this story. It was the perfect ending to this trilogy. If you fell even in like with the first two books, you will love this – but as with my original Sara Mack warning, you should probably have tissues with you. 

Sara Mack – I’m with you “Until the end of forever.” 

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