“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wrecked - Priscilla West

A New Adult Romance Novel by USA Today Bestselling Author Priscilla West
“There would be no happy ending for us. He was too damaged. I was too broken.”
Two years ago, Lorrie’s mother was murdered. But that wasn’t the end of it. Reeling from the tragedy, Lorrie’s father spiraled into alcohol, depression, and finally suicide.
The two most important people in Lorrie’s life are both gone but she’s still alive.
Trying to recover from the tragedy, Lorrie returns to campus, ready to pick up the pieces of her life. All Lorrie wants is to get back to “normal.”
Then she meets Hunter. The man, the legend, “The Hammer.”
Hunter is a cage fighter who takes on every fight like he’s got nothing to lose. His life is a tangled mess of girls, booze, and fist fights. And while it may seem like he’s got a devil-may-care attitude, he’s fighting a private cage-match with a monster he can’t defeat.
Lorrie knows that Hunter is exactly the type of guy she should stay away from, especially in her fragile state, but Hunter has other ideas.
As Hunter and Lorrie grow closer together, will they be able to overcome their pain and heal each other? Or will they both end up wrecked?
To be honest, it was absolutely the cover that attracted me to this book in the first place. 

This book was strange for me. It took me quite some time to get into it, at one point I wasn't sure I would finish it but I think it was Hunter that kept me pushing through. I just couldn't walk away from him. This tough MMA fighting bad boy that was willing to put himself out there and then be friends with the girl that turned him down.

There was something about Lorrie that I just couldn't relate to. Yes, everything she had been through was absolutely tragic, but I think it was her overreactions to everything that kept me turned off to her. 

It wasn't until I was about half way through with the book that I finally stopped being distracted by the errors that I thought the proofreaders and editors should have picked up on. And then it was just about the book for me.

Secrets, secrets are no fun...and in this book, they might just be the end of you. 

In the end, I will probably read the second book just to see what happens. The story itself has a lot of promise...the execution is probably not my favorite. 

*ARC provided by Blackbird Publishing via Net Galley*

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