“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Monday, September 24, 2012

Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers) - Elizabeth Reyes

Seventeen-year old Sarah's life is turned upside down when her single mom is sent to jail. She's forced to move, leaving behind everything she's ever known, including her best friend Sydney. Lost and bitter in a new school, her one goal is to save money and move back home. Then she meets Angel Moreno. Enigmatic but gorgeous, Angel is almost too good to be true. Except for one thing, his archaic belief that guys and girls can never be "just friends". The problem? Sarah's best friend Sydney is not a girl. With their unexpected romance intensifying to places neither ever experienced, how long can Sarah keep Angel in the dark about the guy waiting for her back home? 

Do you know those stories when you just want to kick a girl? I know I’ve read a few where I was just so frustrated with a character that I just wanted to slap her around a little bit.  Sometimes I just wanted to shake Sarah around and I was wishing Valerie (her cousin) would do that for me.  Yes, I know…violence is not the answer but since she’s fictional, I’m giving myself a pass on this one! 

For the most part, I liked Sarah.  I always feel bad for a character that has to change schools in high school, especially their senior year.  It’s not a personal connection, I never had to do it…I just can’t imagine having to do it.  But then there were the things that drove me crazy…like keeping secrets from your boyfriend (hello, Kiera!) and a little bit of the naivety that she had that I found surprising (if it walks like a duck…).   

On the other hand while I loved Angel, and I didn’t mind his jealousy to a point, I honestly do believe that guys and girls can be just friends as long as that is truly all they want from each other, friendship.  It’s when one or the other wants more that things get complicated.  It all goes back to telling the truth about Sydney from the beginning…lying about it makes it seem like more than it is! 

I really enjoyed the supporting characters in this book also.  I liked her cousin Valerie, I liked that she was her own person with her own way about her.  I enjoyed her best friend being a guy, it’s not something you see in a lot of stories, but definitely something I could related to.  I loved Angel’s brother and his sister Sofia.  I even liked that Angel’s friends were well enough written to be a bigger part of the story.   

This was my first book by Elizabeth Reyes, and happy to say I bought the rest of the books in this series last night and started on book 2 right away! I’m not sure I’ll love any of the other couples as much as Sarah & Angel, but I’m going to try.  I am also hoping they make some appearances in the coming books!


  1. I came to your blog from Twitter (the author tweeted about your blog).

    I noticed we read a lot of the same books. Do you have a 'Goodreads' account?


  2. Hi Amy,
    I was unaware of the tweet, but that's pretty cool! :) I am on Goodreads...here is a link to my profile


  3. Thanks! I just sent you a friend request. :)

    Here is the Tweet:
    Elizabeth Reyes ‏@AuthorElizabeth
    Tara's Reads: Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers) - Elizabeth Rey...
