“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Sunday, September 30, 2012

More Than Meets the Ink - Elle Aycart

Wickedly sexy James Bowen is a bad boy of the highest order -- tattoos and attitude included -- which unfortunately ranks way up on Tate’s not-a-chance-in-hell list, right there along with skydiving naked over Teheran and juggling Ebola vials just for kicks. But what the heck, she’s on holiday, the guy is absolutely irresistible, and she needs to unplug from her life. With her dad and brother gone, Tate is left to deal with the family restaurant, which is fast going down the drain. Her employees are acting out, her boyfriend has bailed out, and her very own private stalker is emailing her to death with lovely threats of doom, fire, and dismemberment. So yeah, maybe a little holiday fling is in order. Strictly sex though, and no follow-up whatsoever once.

She hadn’t counted on her take-charge holiday fling having an opinion of his own and stubbornly sticking around, before and after the sex, making himself at home in her life. There is definitely more to James than meets her prejudiced eye, and even if she's not ready to look deeper, James isn't prepared to permit her not to.

I didn't know what to expect from this book other than a tattooed body. What we got with James was so so much more than the ink.

Tate has recently been through a tough time in her life and is still dealing with the aftermath of it. She's lost a lot and is taking on some serious family responsibility. She meets James while visiting her mother in Florida and assumes based on his looks that he's the typical bad boy type that her sister always dates and gets her heart broken by. Since she's on vacation and James is making it known he wants to sleep with her, she decides as long as it's just sex – she is okay with it.

ooohhheemmmmgeee!!! JAMES!!!! "He should come with a warning label from the health department: Handle with extreme caution and use at your own peril. Looking will cause palpitations dizziness, and hyperventilation." Soooo true! James is one of my new favorite book boyfriends. He was sarcastic, funny, sexy, possessive, protective...he's too much to put into words.

He doesn't like being judged by his looks and the guys she's previously known. While commitment is usually the last thing on his mind and he would normally be into a sex with no strings relationship, he can't seem to stop himself from wanting more from Tate. Except she keeps pushing him away.

Their relationship was always one step forward, one step back. Every time James would break down a wall, she would push him back into another one. I was so frustrated by her lack of trust in him even after he kept proving time and again that he wasn't the type of guy she assumed him to be. A man can only take being pushed away so many times. It made me a little crazy, but James made this book totally worth the read. It's steamy, sexy, and at times even funny. Four stars!

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