“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Beautiful Lie - T.E. Sivec

He saw her first, but his friend made the move.

She settled for the safer choice, but her heart knew the truth.

They love, they crave, they lie.

Garrett McCarthy, Annabelle Parker, and Milo Roberts were as close as friends could get. They shared in each other's joy during graduations, promotions, and engagements. They consoled one another through heartache and loss.

When one of the friend's life is tragically cut short, it's up to the two left behind to pick up the pieces and find out the truth - no matter the cost. As they slowly start to uncover the nature of his deception, and the very powerful people behind it, they begin to question everyone and everything, even themselves.

Everyone has secrets - some do it for love while others do it for power. Those secrets can change perceptions, alter reality and sometimes destroy lives.

What do you do when you find out your whole life has been a lie?

Is it safe to say I had reservations about starting this book? Yes.  I have read and loved Tara Sivec's Chocolate Lovers Series.  I laughed, I've cried from laughing and I briefly considered a kidnapping plot to move her into my house and make her tell me stories to make me laugh.  But can the same woman who used the words you can't say on TV (or Amazon) and used many sexual situations to make us laugh write something serious, and will I love it as much? Will it change my opinion of an author I absolute adore? - The answer is yes.  Yes, it changes my opinion of Tara Sivec.  If I thought I loved her before, I have no idea how I feel about her now because this book was amazing.

It picked me up from the first page and kept me reading through to the very end.  I did not want to put this book down.  Now that I've finished it, I keep thinking about it.  How much can one lie change your entire life? It's like the butterfly effect.  The ripples it leaves behind are ever reaching.

Parker is strong, independent and keeps a little piece of herself guarded from everyone.  Some of that is because of a secret she is keeping, but part of it is to protect herself from getting hurt.  In that way, I found her to be completely relatable to any female who doesn't want to get hurt.

Garrett McCarthy is a sexy, loving, wonderful best friend and Navy SEAL who would do anything to keep his best friend happy and safe.  It's what he's been trained for.  It was impossible to not fall in love with Garrett.

There are so many twists and turns in this book, and just when I thought I'd figured it all out...I was wrong.  The web of secrets and lies and SEALS is so great, I had to keep the pages turning to see what was going to happen.  I fell a little in love with each of the men on Garrett's SEAL team, and I found that I truly loved Parker.  A lot of female characters annoy me mostly, but I really loved her.

While at times there were things about Garrett and Parker that frustrated me and made me want to scream at them, I think that just shows how invested I was in them.

I once said I had a lot of respect for an author who started writing paranormal and then switched and had to create the magic and mystery without using supernatural means.  I honestly think this transition was even more impressive for me.  To read an author who used sex to make me laugh, to writing sex scenes that make you want to jump into the book.  The simple F word in her first books was used to make us laugh and in this book conveyed so much more feeling.  I'm not sure which part of her gets to wear the superhero outfit (Tara by day, T.E. by night?) but it's safe to say both sides of her are amazing.

This book erases all doubts...I am all in when it comes to whatever Ms. Sivec decides to write!

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