“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Saving Grace - J.M. Hill

Grace Burke doesn’t need a thing.

She enjoys her quiet life in Fall Rivers, Colorado—running a bookstore and coffee shop with her cousin, Kate. The two have a successful business, a small circle of friends, and each other. What more could she want?

When the Anderson brothers move into the house across the street, it doesn’t take long for her to realize exactly what she’s been missing. At first sight, the youngest brother, Michael, captures Grace’s heart, and her quiet life is disrupted.

Then it turns upside down. 

Grace isn’t the only one with eyes for Michael. Nina Sandler, one of Michael’s clients, threatens to come between them. When Nina can’t get Michael’s attention, she focuses on Grace—in a very dangerous way.

But love is never easy and if the best things in life are worth fighting for, then Grace must find the courage to fight. Not just for love and happiness but for her very life.

I had no idea what to expect when I started reading this book.  I honestly bought it because it was on others peoples TBR list and I saw it had made the lists for a couple of my favorite bloggers.  Add to that the amazing cover and I was sold.

How happy was I to find that I really loved this story.  I took a risk and it paid off.  I loved Grace! I found I had a lot in common with her, "Yes, I like football. I'd always felt a little insulted when guys presumed I didn't like sports just because I was female."  (Meanwhile I am writing this review while watching the NFC Championship game.)  So, J.M. Hill wrote a female lead who knew football, and was a Yankee fan...I can overlook the fact that she was a USC fan (as I'm an Irish fan) and a Broncos fan because she was in Colorado, and be totally sold on the chick that loves sports and quotes The Replacements "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever."  I was in love.  Also, Grace loves books, ummm...is it possible that she is my best friend soul-mate? She is one of those characters I wish was real so I could be friends with her.

On top of that, there is  not one, not two, but THREE hot guys that are all amazing in personality as well.  WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE?!?

Oh, the crazy girl - yeah I guess I didn't love her so much!

There is so much love and loss that has happened in the lives of all of the characters in this book.  And even though they have every right to be angry and/or bitter, they've found a way to be thankful for what they do have.  I found this to be the best quote to fit that, "I wanted to comfort him in some way, but I knew when you've lost someone you love, comfort was difficult to find.  It doesn't matter if it's one year or eight, the heartache is always there."

I read this book in one sitting because I could not put it down.  I will definitely be waiting to read the next book, Garrett's story because I absolutely adored him.

I also want to love J.M. Hill a little extra for sending the Jets to the Superbowl in this book...it may not ever happen in my lifetime but I actually did let out a little cheer when I read it. :)

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