“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wethering The Storm (The Mighty Storm #2) - Samantha Towle

Music journalist Tru Bennett has done the impossible: capture the heart of rock-star bad boy Jake Wethers. Now they’re busy planning a wedding and navigating their new life together in the US. Of course Tru misses London and her best friend, Simone, but living happily ever after with Jake in LA is going to be great…right?

Wrong. Even the bright California sun can’t whitewash the dark side of celebrity coupledom. Greedy music execs, merciless paparazzi, and Jake’s wild past are lurking around every corner. Making matters worse, Jake announces he doesn’t want kids, which just may be a deal breaker.

Tru loves Jake more than anything. But when a devastating crisis threatens to destroy everything they’ve fought for, the couple must face the hard truth: What if, this time, love is not enough?

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.”

I loved The Mighty Storm, and I loved Jake Wethers.  It was a love at first read, move to my favorites right away and desires to hug Samantha, kind of love.  It’s because of that love, that I was a little nervous to read this book.  I know, crazy right? Samantha Towle is fabulous, Jake is AH-MAZING, so what is there to be nervous about, right? The thing is, I’ve felt so let down in other “can’t wait to read them” sequels, that it almost changes the entire series in my mind…I did not want that to happen with Jake. 

I picked this book up, and read it in one sitting.  I could not put it down.  I looked at it, said there is no way I’m going to get through 390 pages tonight, set my bookmark in the middle and started reading.  Well, there went dinner and getting to bed on time for work tomorrow, because I could not put it down.  I read it in one sitting, and fell even more in love with Jake than I had been before.  I was mad at myself when I was finished because I missed the story already. 

This Jake, was different than the Jake we had in TMS.  This Jake was more in control, he was happier.  He had his True Love and the world was right for him again, or as right as it could be.  There wasn’t anything else he needed.  “There isn’t anything I won’t do for you, Tru. Nothing I won’t do to make you happy. What I feel for you… it’s limitless. There is nothing before or after you. There is only you.” How could anyone not fall for this guy?!

Tru… well Tru was Tru.  She did things that made me shake my head, she frustrated me, not quite as bad as TMS, but still annoyed me…but it’s not like I didn’t get where she was coming from.  Insecurities are easy to come by when you are living in someone else’s world and that someone else is known as a rock-star, bad-boy, man-whore.  For some reason though, I still just wanted to reach through the book and say…you have Jake, woman-up and take control! And then in the instances where she did, I wanted to clap! I started to feel a little multiple personality disorder coming on.          

I loved that we got both Tru and Jake’s POV in this book.  It was necessary to tell the story completely and I LOVED IT! I loved that we got to see how passionate Jake was.  He didn’t hold back on his feelings for Tru, to her, about her, around her…"You don't complete me, Tru. You make me who I am. You make me better. I'd be nothing without you. Nothing. I've been there once before, and I'm never going back. I'm never losing you again."

I don’t want to say anything that can give away any of the plot, but if you loved TMS, then this story is a must read.  Tru may not “complete” Jake but she made him better, this story makes TMS better!


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