“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shattered Grace (Fallen from Grace #1) - K. Anne Raines

Seventeen-year-old Grace grows up knowing she’s different, but she always attributed it to a mother who didn’t want her, a father who abandoned her, and a curse that sets her apart. Despite those struggles, her grandfather remained her rock and confidant. Her life irrevocably shatters the day her grandfather dies.

The day of his funeral sets off a chain of events, making Grace question everything she’s ever known to be true, and as a result, who she can truly trust. She inherits his house, part of his money, his Guardian and something that ties them together.

Just before Grace’s 18th birthday, she is thrust into a world she couldn’t fathom existed and does everything she can to thwart the destiny suddenly forced upon her. She’s been chosen for greatness, but at what cost? With eyes now open, she must choose to either be Chosen, or watch those around her suffer the consequences.

Torn between the man who’s come to protect her and the one sent to destroy her, she teeters on the edge of decision, trying to come to grips with who she is, what she wants and what all of that means for her, those she loves and the rest of mankind.

I love to a throw a good paranormal book in the mix to shake things up a bit.    Here’s the problem with paranormal books though, there is so much story to tell to make it all make sense that for some of them, I have find it hard for the book to keep my attention.  That was the case with this book.  (I know, boo! Hiss! Throw things, I know! I know!) 

There are a few authors that seems to find the balance nicely, some examples; Nicole Williams (The Eden Trilogy), Shelly Crane (The Significance Series), Jennifer Armentrout (The Lux Series) – I would recommend any of those if you are looking for a good paranormal read.   

I so wanted to love this book, but I’d say I liked it enough that I will probably read the sequel and give K. Anne Raines another read.  The writing style itself wasn’t my problem, she was descriptive enough that I could picture everything happening.  For me it was the story.   

There were a couple times where I thought the story might pick up and then it would fall flat again.  My partial frustration was with the love square that Grace had going on.  Three potential love interests; Zeke, Quentin, and Darius.   Zeke was the normal guy she went to school with who was absolutely adorable and all about Grace (although somehow he wound up with a girlfriend we never meet – but he still is all about Grace?) – huh? Quentin, The Guardian (and my favorite) who is here to protect her but also has feelings for her.  Their push/pull relationship was frustrating at times but he was definitely my choice.  He’s always going to be there for her! They are connected.  Darius fills the bad boy role.  I never trusted him and then even in the end, I still wasn’t all about him.  I never really got why she was? And of course because I am Team Q – this whole Darius thing frustrated me to no end.  I would have been happier if she fell for Zeke.   

And that’s what I felt like this story was mostly about.  Here she is, an eighteen year old girl who finds out she’s Chosen and she’s mostly worried about her raging hormones.  My other frustration - I think I needed more action, more adventure… more ass kicking! Because even when the ass kicking came, it was other people who did it.  She’s a Chosen for goodness sake!  

I’m not really sure what the deal is with her and her cousin and where the second story is going to go…but I will probably give it a try and hope for the best.  There is definitely a lot of potential to build on. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Secret of Ella and Micha - Jessica Sorensen

A rule-breaker with a fiery attitude, Ella always wore her heart on her sleeve. Then she left everything behind to go to college, where she transformed into someone who follows the rules, keeps everything together, and hides all her problems. Now it's summer break and she has nowhere else to go but home. But once there, Ella fears that everything she's worked so hard to bury might resurface-especially with Micha living right next door.

Smart, sexy, and confident, Micha can get under Ella's skin like no one else. He knows everything about her, including her darkest secrets. If he tries to tempt the old Ella to return, he will be impossible to resist. But what Ella doesn't realize is that when she left, she took a piece of Micha's heart with her. Now he's determined to win back the girl he lost, no matter what it takes.

In all my years in high school and college, I’ve never been attracted to a guy with a lip ring.  It’s just never done anything for me.  Even in other books, sometimes I just picture the character without one because I like to picture them that way better (just like I remove Brian’s goatee in my head when I read Rock Me).  But in this story, Jessica Sorensen makes me want to lick, bite and kiss Micha and his lip ring! In other words, I think I finally get it! 

"There's a darkness inside my chest, like the devil hidden inside me is about to make a grand appearance."  - Micha would bring that out in all of us I think!

What is to be said about this book that hasn't already been said? I'm late on the train... It  has over 1,00 reviews on Amazon,  it's been picked up and published since I bought it.  Even the cover has changed since I bought it (that's why I posted both).  I don't know what took me so long to read it, but I'm glad I finally did.  Definitely worth the read and I will absolutely be reading the sequel!

Micha.  He's her best friend.  And the boy that waits for the girl sings and plays guitar too- good Lord Jessica, you are killing me! "He is my best friend, my soul mate. In a perfect world, full of roses and sunshine we'd be together, but this world is full of broken homes, drunken fathers, and mothers who give up easily."

There are some very serious and very heavy topics in this story, but Jessica finds a way to tell the story without making you feel like you are drowning the whole time.  She is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine.  

There were times I wanted to kick a girl because Ella does frustrate me to a point, but I don't find that very different than a lot of female characters and I think to a point it's the age of the character.  
I was already looking forward to The Redemption of Callie & Kayden, now I have another Jessica Sorensen book to add to my TBR list.  


Wait For You - J. Lynn

Some things are worth waiting for...

Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago--an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe--please God--make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn't need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she's building for herself.

Some things are worth experiencing...

Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that's just so... so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.

Some things should never be kept quiet...

But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she's has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?

And some things are worth fighting for...

Good God, I was only ¼ of the way through this book and I already knew that I would be adding Cameron Hamilton to my book boyfriends list.  Now, there are a lot of swoon-worthy boys in all these books but not all of them make the boyfriend list…now that I am finished, I have to say he’s definitely staying!!! I absolutely adored him, and he was the type of boy that absolutely deserved to be adored!

"People got out of the way for Cam.  He was like a hot Moses, parting a sea of drunk college students." Yes, please!

Okay, so there is more to this book than just a hot, sweet, swoon-worthy guy...but I'm not going to lie...Cam alone is definitely worth reading the book for. " "What were you doing in the Den? Don't you normally have class, like right now?' His lips curved up at the corner and that damn dimple appeared.  When he smiled like that, it felt like a balloon had suddenly inflated in my chest.  'Yeah, I normally have class right now," he said, eyes a startling azure in the sun.  "But I wanted to see you." "

Sometimes this book frustrated me.  It's not that I couldn't figure out something bad had happened to Avery and to some extent what it was...but I wanted her to up and bitch-slap some people or do something.  I kept watching her run away from everything and it was driving me crazy! 

But in addition to some angst, and a hot Cam, we also got some new best friends to add to our best of the best friends list.  Our new gay bff Jacob who also (jokingly) wants a piece of Cam, and Brit, who was a friend to Avery when she really needed one...and wasn't afraid to be honest with her even though Brit knew Avery was keeping secrets.  

I am absolutely thrilled that this series got picked up, but I want to scream because I know that the next story is going to be that much further away... the mark of a good story - even though the characters in book two will be friends of Avery and Cam (well Cam's sister and his friend Jace), I still can't wait to read it (and yes I'm hoping for some cameos from Cam while I'm reading... I can't help it, I'm totally smitten!)

Lastly, can I just say...what a freakin' cover!!! Love, all around love for J. Lynn! 

Great Exploitations (Mischief in Miami) - Nicole Williams

Seduction. Infidelity. Blackmail. Scandal. It can all be bought for the right price and for Sienna Stevens, business is good.

Because she’s in the business of Great Exploitations.

She’s an Eve, a member of a secret society of women contracted by the wives of wealthy, powerful men for one reason and one reason only: to seduce their husbands. To ensure their pre-nuptial agreement will be null and void thanks to a little loophole known as the Infidelity Clause. To ensure that those wives don’t find themselves on the other side of a divorce without a penny to their name.

When it comes to the Eves, Sienna’s one of the best because she follows the number one rule of the Eves to the letter: don’t let it get personal.

When the job file of her wealthiest client yet falls into her lap, Sienna realizes that this case could be the one that’s impossible to detach herself from. The payout would lead to her independence, but will the cost be too high in the end?

***This is a short story (approx. 24,000 words), that will be followed up by future installments***

"Every Eve knew a man who wanted a blonde liked giving it from behind, a man who lusted after a redhead like the woman on top, and a man who liked a brunette preferred classic missionary style.  The rules didn't hold true one hundred percent of the time, but at least ninety-five percent, and that was close enough for me to stamp it into the book of truth."

So, in some cases I’ve really appreciated the novella…a little more insight into the story.  Sometimes, I haven’t loved them…I didn’t feel they added to the story… This time I am having a love / hate relationship with this novella because I LOVED the story and I HATED that it was over so quickly.  I soooo needed more!!! #needmorenicole

I read somewhere that Nicole wanted these books to be like episodes of a television show.  I would say this is more like season finales.  This was too good to just be one regular episode, it's the episode that keeps you hanging on because it keeps getting better and the suspense for what is coming keeps building... and then it leaves you with a cliffhanger and you're left screaming at your TV because you are so not ready to be done yet.  Oh wait...maybe that's just me...and I was huffing at my Kindle and cursing Nicole...but in a good way!  – deep breaths -

One of the things I've always said about Nicole's stories, is that she knows how to write a lovable man.  William, Patrick (really all the Hayward men), Jude, Cole...they've all been amazing.  And at times I haven't loved the leading female character...oh Bryn, how wanted to strangle you at times.

For the first time in any of her stories, there wasn't really a man to fall in love with.  This was all about "Eve." For the first time I had to love the story based solely on my love for the lead female character...my normal inner critic would probably have cringed a little had she known this at first...but I'm happy to report, the inner bitch walked away happy (other than having to wait for the next installment...she is very impatient!)

Even though we never learn her true name and her complete original identity, I did fall in love with Eve.  In her line of work, it is obvious that she is beautiful, but she is also strong, smart and has a wicked sense of humor.  She's doesn't back down and when she's on an "errand" she plays her part completely.  

I got to the end and was so disappointed that it was over.  I can't wait for the next installment, Scandal in Seattle.  Nicole definitely left me wanting more...and I'm sure to expect another cliffhanging "season finale" type episode.  I'm also left wondering if there will be a swoon-worthy man in these short stories.  

In the meanwhile, I will keep falling in love with Eve, and of course Nicole.  

"Because I was in the business of Great Exploitations.  And business was good."

Friday, March 8, 2013

Reckoning (Book II: The Arotas Trilogy) - Amy Miles

Gabriel is gone.

Roseline is left with questions that refuse answers and only the memory of a man she vows to hunt and kill, but to do so, she must call a truce with her sworn enemy.

Together, Roseline and Nicolae track Fane to the underbelly of London, in search of Gabriel’s kidnappers, but when Malachi- an Immortal with mystifying origin- presents himself as their guide, Roseline discovers she is not the only one looking for Gabriel.

Buried within the secret chambers of the infamous Hellfire Club, Roseline discovers a grim truth: Gabriel isn’t just a pawn being used by the Arotas prophecy, and those who seek to control its power. He is Arotas.

Everything Roseline has ever known about her brethren is about to change. Emotions flare, friendships sever and the newly formed bonds between enemies are tested as she delves into realms hardly conceived. They are trapped in the midst of a battle that has been waging since the beginning of time.

The prophecy binds them all together. But will they break before the end?

I’ve already confessed to being a cover whore, and like the first book…I really liked this cover too.  I’m hoping the third book will match the first two, and with a release date of “2013” I’m hoping we don’t have to wait too long to find out.   

So, here’s what this book reminded me a little of.  Have you ever watched a tv show and been really into the main characters and plot line?  And then every once and awhile they go off onto other characters and plot lines and even though you know they will all related back to each other eventually, it feels like those times drag? That’s what this book reminded me a little bit of.   

It’s not that I didn’t realize what’s going on with Gabriel is important, because I did.  It’s not that I don’t want to know what’s happening with him because I do.  And the fact that he was not with Rose through this book meant that we would have to get separate parts of the story when we panned over to his POV, but for me those parts of the story dragged a little bit.  Even though the things he’s going through are absolutely essential to the story, I found myself rushing through it to get back to Rose.  But I think in part it’s because I want to get back to the two of them together, it’s not that I don’t care what happens specifically to Gabriel.   

On the flip side, I really enjoyed following Rose along in this book.  There was enough action to keep the storyline moving and enough drama to keep me interested.  I know we are all supposed to love Gabriel but I was happy to see how her relationship (not romantic) develop with Nicolae.  I also love Fane, poor guy! I felt like we got to see more of her personality and the tough, badass chick she can be in this book.  I definitely felt more connected to her this time.   

The action was definitely stepped up in this sequel and revealed storylines throughout the action so it felt like we were part of Rose’s adventure.  We definitely got a higher dose of the paranormal in this book vs. the first book.  We also got a look at life as an immortal, and you can see why she wants to be normal so badly.   

The twist and cliffhanger at the end definitely left me wanting more of this series! I can’t wait to see what happens with Rose and Gabriel.  I also want to see what’s going to happen with our favorite siblings, I refuse to believe the worst!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Reckless (Thoughtless Series #3) - S.C. Stephens

Can love survive when life gets Reckless?
When the band hits it big, Kiera and Kellan must ask themselves: Can their love for each other withstand the constant pressures of superstardom? The friendships they’ve formed, the new family they’ve found, and the history they’ve forged will all play a part in helping them navigate the turbulent waters of the band’s exploding popularity. A greedy executive hell-bent on success, a declining pop star looking for an edge, and a media circus that twists lies into truths are just some of the obstacles the lovers will have to overcome if they are going to remain together. Fame comes with a price—but will it cost Kiera and Kellan everything?
 (Quotes to be added later)

OH MY GOD!!!! Would it be wrong to profess my love for Shannon Stephens here?

To say I was nervous for this sequel is a bit of an understatement. While we will always want more from our favorite characters, sometimes it's better to leave off with them on a good note, then to beat them with a story to death until they are not nearly as perfect as they once were. Two books worth of a love triangle, the lack of trust, heartbreak...could I really handle this again? Would my heart survive something dividing them again?

I struggled through Thoughtless, not because the writing was bad, but because I wanted to beat Kiera senseless (which I think actually means the writing is very good). When I recommended this series to my friends I would tell them, Kiera will get on your nerves, you will sometimes hate her, you will want to kick her ass..., but Kellan will get you through it. He is the shining star!

Loving Kellan was effortless. Even when I couldn't figure out what was up with him in Effortless, I still loved him. I was annoyed with him, but I still loved him. I still wanted to take the pieces of that broken boy and put them back together and just show him that he was loved - yeah, I know that's Kiera's job...but I love him too.

That being said, when things came together at the end of Effortless, I thought...okay it wasn't exactly the ending I had been hoping for, but it was enough for me. I was happy that they were happy. When I found out there would be a third book my first instinct was … OHMYGOD MORE KELLAN KYLE...HELL YESSSSS!!! Then I thought about it, and I was so afraid of what she was going to put these two through, and whether my heart could handle another round of it.

Shannon Stephens, I am 100% sorry. You are amazing. You are talented, bright, wonderful, expressive, and I think I love you. You brought me more Kellan Kyle and you made him even more perfect than he already was...if that was even freakin possible. 
But even more so, you made me fall in love with Kiera. I honestly had zero desire to reach through the book and slap her this time. The growth that you showed us for both of these characters is so strong from Thoughtless, and even Effortless until now. I am absolutely blown away by this story.

There were so many quotes I wanted to highlight, but without having it on my Kindle yet, I couldn't.  So I will have to come back and add them in, but there are so many little pieces they each give each other (or really Shannon gives us) that make you fall a little more in love with all of the Thoughtless/Effortless/Reckless family along the way.

Shannon even gave us new characters to hate... and hate them I did.

I will tell you, stories like these and the The Love Series by Tina Reber make me really think about how involved we are in the lives of these people we don't even know. How many times have we been Team so and so outside of our book boyfriends (Team Jen!) and not thought twice about it... I don't know about anyone else but it makes me look at those magazines in the stores just a little bit differently now.

All three of these stories seem so real, you almost think this is Shannon's real life brought to us in black and white by a division of Simon & Schuster. It's like I could feel the heartache and joy and love and hate... oh and did I mention the passion... OMG KELLAN KYLE!!!! (Okay now I'm just gushing...) but I seriously do love him.  

I easily give this last book (sad face) in this series 5 stars and a little extra love for mentioning Debbie Gibson who was my ultimate favorite when I was younger!