“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Against All Odds - Angie McKeon

Our lives shattered... Our hearts broken... Our souls torn to pieces...

He was my world, my whole life. My reason for breathing. I had a perfect marriage, a baby on the way, and I felt fulfilled—almost invincible.

Until the day life hit, leaving me broken, vulnerable, and alone.

She was my life. My ray of hope on the cloudiest day. With her, I thought I had the ultimate safety. A love that would never hurt or betray me. I gave her my heart, my body, and my soul.

Until she broke me, destroying every dream and illusion I had about life, love, and marriage.

In our grief, we made a mistake. A mistake I'm not sure we can come back from.

"Life's a fucked up state of fucked up." - That pretty much sums up the whole first half of this book, a fucked up state of fucked up.

First I will tell you, take any ideas of who you think Angie is and throw it out the window.  That happy, fun, loves everyone girl that has kept us entertained with her different kinds of loving stars over the years is not the same girl who wrote this book.

This Angie has a dark side, and it's so, so good.

Against All Odds is a story about love, loss, and the crazy that goes on when that loss is soul crushing.

After you make it through the prologue...which will make you feel like you got punched in the face - you will join Kylie Bailey after the dust has settled on the traumatic event and follow along on the journey of her now completely fucked up life.

How fucked up? They have somehow, though neither really wanting to, agreed to an open marriage where Kylie is trying to bury her feelings in sleeping with other men and Cooper is just lost.  Then, to drive it all home and make it as fucked up as possible, Cooper's best friend Grayson is the one that's been helping to take care of Kylie since the "event" and eventually confesses he too has feelings for Kylie and is no longer going to keep them to himself. WHAT?

**Tara plug - I freakin' love Gray... He's mine and I'm not sharing!!**

Gray is definitely an alpha male character, should be no surprise for Angie's followers, but has the sweetest heart for Kylie.  He has and would continue to do anything for her.  He's so amazing, I found myself cheering for her to leave her husband and be with Grayson...yes, you read that right.  I was hoping for extra bad cheating and falling in love with the other guy - this is what Angie has done to me!!

Cooper, oh how I struggled with thee.  I disliked him, and felt abused by him, but then I felt bad for him and my heart broke for him too.  He really left me feeling kinda like I had multiple personalities...actually scratch that...I'm blaming Angie for that!

Kylie is just a mess...a flat out mess.  There are times where you will love her and her heart will be yours.  And then there will be times where you just want to shake the shit out of her and ask her what's wrong with her.  But...you will care one way or the other.

I can't even tell you how many times I've read this story at this point, it's too many to count...but each time is like the first time all over again.  I read something that makes more sense this time around...or certain parts still hit me as if I hadn't read them before. 

Here's my final note... if you don't like angsty reads, or if you can't stand love triangles (or squares or whatever), or cheating in any way shape or form, then this book is not for you.  If you can have an open mind and fall in love with completely flawed and broken characters, don't miss out on this debut. 

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