“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

Friday, August 17, 2012

Lengths - Campbell / Reinhardt

Nineteen-year-old Whit Conrad leaves her conservative Pennsylvania home for sunny California, looking for independence, a fresh start, and a place to stash her grief. She promptly finds a job at a tattoo parlor, a craptastic first apartment, and one friend—Ryan—who is a little less friend, a little more benefits.

Deo Beckett is a soulful surfer with a passion for tattoos and beautiful women. On the eve of his twenty-second birthday, he finds himself living with his grandfather, recently unemployed, and seriously adrift. He doesn’t know much about what he wants out of life, but he does know his current situation isn't cutting it.

When Deo meets Whit, she’s all sexy makeup and fierce, smart-ass fun. It doesn’t take him long to see past her tough shell. And when he gets a good look at what's under all the superficial stuff that usually gets his attention, it leaves Deo wondering if there might be more to life than living fast and free.

Too bad Whit has a past she doesn't plan on sharing—no matter how hot Deo is. She might want him, but she knows better than to let her guard down.

Deo falls for Whit, and falls hard. But everything about her, down to that mysterious tattoo and the way she thrashes in her sleep, tells him that the girl he loves is hiding something. And the more he pushes for answers, the more Whit pulls away.

Having your guard up is one thing, but are the lengths Whit goes to to protect her secret worth throwing away the second chance she has at happiness with Deo?

Very enjoyable read. This was my first book for both authors and I thought they did a great job making it seamless. I wouldn't have known it was written by two different people.

This book gets told from both POV's and I think in this book, it was totally necessary to know what was going on with both of them. I only wish we could have gotten a little more insight into each of them. Maybe a little of the time Whit was with her parents from her perspective? I'm not sure...I just felt like with each character there could have been a little bit more.

That being said...I read it fairly quickly and really enjoyed the adventure. I hope to see more from the two of them in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This was a quick read...and enjoyable. I really liked this book. There were some editing issues, but well written overall. I didn't realize that it was two authors until the end..because I didn't read the author's name(s).
